Essence Women Retreat - Camping Gear List

Essence Women Retreat - Camping Gear List

Planning your camping trip for our Essence Women Retreat in Puerto Rico can be an exciting adventure. The beautiful landscapes, natural greens, and stunning lake view make it an ideal destination for our gathering. As you are planning your camp at Los Tamarindo Village in Puerto Rico, there are a few essential items you should bring along to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Here's a list of must-have items for your camping trip:

1. Tent and Sleeping Gear

A sturdy tent is essential for a camping trip. Bring a tent that is comfortable for the number of people in your group and provides adequate protection from the natural elements. This is your personal sacred space, bring any items that will make you feel more comfortable as if you were in the most luxury hotel of this world. Don't forget to bring a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and pillows for a good night's sleep.

NOTE: If you need our team to take care of our tent please contact us minimum 10 days before the experience. 

2. Insect Repellent

As you may be aware, Puerto Rico is home to various insects, including mosquitoes. To protect yourself from bug bites and other diseases bring your favorite insect repellent. We will have natural sprays for sale in case you need. 

3. Sun Protection

The tropical climate of Puerto Rico means you'll be exposed to the sun's rays for extended periods. Pack sunscreen with a high SPF, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your skin and eyes from harmful UV rays.

4. Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is crucial during the outdoor activities we are planning to do. Bring a water bottle for refill, we will provide cups during all meals but you'll be more comfortable with your own water bottle for all other activities.

5. Lighting

Having proper lighting is essential for navigating your campsite at night. Pack a headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries to ensure you can see in the dark.

6. First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen anytime! We will be stocked with first aid kit that includes items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, however, if you have any allergies or take any prescription please ensure you pack those.

7. Clothing and Footwear

Pack appropriate clothing for the weather conditions at the farm, where mornings and nights will be cozy while temperatures during the day will be warmer. Lightweight, breathable fabrics and bathing suits are ideal for the tropical climate. Don't forget to bring a cozy and/or rain jacket in case of unexpected showers. Additionally, bring sturdy and comfortable footwear for hiking and exploring the farm.

8. Intentional Personal Items

Lastly, don't forget to pack your most precious essential items to make your camping experience more enjoyable. Bring books, journals, or musical instruments to keep yourself entertained during downtime. Additionally, pack personal hygiene items, such as toiletries, towels and wet wipes, to stay clean and fresh. Our camping bathroom include only toilet paper and hand soap. 

By packing these essential items, you'll be well-prepared for our Women Camping Retreat in the lands of Guayanilla, Puerto Rico. Remember to check the weather forecast and any specific guidelines we shared prior to our experience. Enjoy the beauty of nature and make lasting memories on Essence: The Return to Self camping retreat!

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