Mom is Nature

Mom is Nature

Each one of us has our own unique experiences with our moms or motherhood. There are different types of motherhood energy in life; the greatest and most unconditional is Pachamama, she gives us  everything we need to have a good life.

Human relationships are a complex process, when observing nature, relationships are more fluid and spontaneous. We have to activate our senses and receive everything that Mother Earth offers us as a sign of love, care, and well-being. Here are five ways and benefits to connect with nature, start listening to yourself, and heal different wounds in your life:

  1. Learn about nature: understanding all the power of nature in our life can deepen your appreciation and connection with nature. From the air, the sun, and the water to the herbs and plants with their medicinal properties, Mother Earth gives us everything to live healthily.
  2. Take a nature walk: activate your senses and enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds of Pachamama. Improve mental health by reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. Nature exposure can also boost self-esteem and cognitive function.
  3. Don’t forget about animals: Interacting with animals can also help to promote empathy and compassion in humans, reduce stress levels, and lower blood pressure, which can have a positive impact on overall health.
  4. Get in touch with the sun: Sometimes we don't have time to go for a walk in a park, but if the sun comes somewhere at work or home, catch some rays for 15 to 20 minutes a day, that will recharge you, regulate the body's natural circadian rhythm, stimulates the production of vitamin D in the skin and triggers the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps to regulate mood and promote feelings of well-being. Remember to use sunscreen on your face.
  5. Be grateful to mother earth: be aware of what it gives us, food, vitamins, medicine, air, landscapes, and melodies, receive everything with love, respect, and wisdom to understand how all its power helps us.

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